Have you ever thought about how much your life would change if from now on:
– Would you communicate better with yourself?
– Would you communicate better with your family, friends and partner?
– Would you have more confidence to pursue a promotion or even a higher quality friendship/relationship?
– Were you improving the way you approach and focus on things?
– Were you able to convince your friend to go to the shop you like, or your colleagues to take your approach to the project?
– Make an excellent presentation/speech and enjoy it?
When interacting with other people we communicate ideas, expectations and feelings, affirming our social being and overcoming any fear. This process becomes more complex if we take into account our emotional state, the emotional state of our interlocutor, as well as the level of attention and concentration of the person decoding the message.
Those who excel in their communication that they make meaningful contact with others and create long-lasting quality relationships are not born with a gift, but are the result of effort, practice and consistency.
What we will analyze - talk about
To summarize, in the public speaking workshop, “speaKING”, we will analyze among others:
– Public Speaking Bases
– Speech Structure
– Body Language
– Persuasive techniques
– Spontaneous speech
– Speech Evaluation
– Active listening
As D. Carnegie says, no matter what field you work in, even if you are in a technical profession, your degree of success depends on your ability to interact effectively with other people.
Mode of Schedule
START DATE: Tuesday, 01/10/2024
It will take place every Tuesday at 20:00 (except holidays and summer) and will last 62 hours (31 meetings).
About the payment
Τhe group consists of 12-15 people and the lessons are two hours long. The program includes 33 meetings (66 hours), at a cost of 1100€ including VAT, with the possibility of two instalments and invoice*.
*The interest-free instalments apply to the purchase using a credit card.
In any other case, in order to take advantage of the possibility of paying in 2 installments, please contact us at (+30) 211 001 0489 to proceed with your order by phone and reserve your place.